
Mutated, deformed flowers spotted near leaking Fukushima nuclear plant

Mutated, deformed flowers spotted near Fukushimla nuclear reactor site

A couple of images posted by Twitter user from Nasuhiobra city, that is about 100 kms from Fukushima, show deformed flowers. The user suggests that radioactive contamination has stirred mutation in flowers in addition to many other life forms hit by 2011 earthquake.

The Tweet described the flowers in following words:

“The right one grew up, split into 2 stems to have 2 flowers connected each other, having 4 stems of flower tied belt-like. The left one has 4 stems grew up to be tied to each other and it had the ring-shaped flower. The atmospheric dose is 0.5 μSv/h at 1m above the ground.”

Japanese government and researchers are of the view that the mutation might not have been caused by radiations, but due to hormonal imbalance known as Faciation or cresting. The condition causes abnormal growth in vascular plants, affecting its weight and volume. Still, the cause for this imbalance can be attributed to radiations.

Fukushima deformed daises
However, the images have stirred a debate in the cyberspace over the possible mutations due to radioactivity.

A deadly 9.0 scale quake had shaken the earth from its axis by some inches. It was the fourth strongest quake in the history. Japan recorded 1,891 deaths, 6,152 cases of injury, and 2,584 people were reported to have been missing after the quake.

The quake had damaged six nuclear reactors in Fukushimla plant. The damaged plant had begun to leak radioactive waste into Pacific Ocean. Japan is helpless as no technology exists to clear radioactive waste produced after reactor meltdowns. Aquatic life as well as the food chain is contaminated. Dolphins, sea lions, whales and many other aquatic life forms are dying everyday. However, Japan has always tried to hide the intensity and amount of radioactive waste leakage from rest of the world.

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