Israeli experts to help India clean Ganga and streamline water distribution management


Taking pity on the condition of the sacred River Ganges (Ganga), world’s fifth most polluted river, as well as that of the capacity of Indian government to take up such huge a cleaning project, Israel has offered expert assistance in Ganga cleaning project – one of the most ambitious projects undertaken by present government.

Duality in belief and treatment towards India’s most revered River has resulted in a complete mess. Surprisingly, Indians consider the water of Ganga as purest, sacred, and miraculous. At the same time they have converted it into a septic tank.

The river is contaminated and polluted beyond limits. It passes through 29 cities and collects everything from industrial waste, human waste, laundry waste water, dump waste and everything that India can throw into the drains. Moreover, Indians believe that a dip in Ganga can wash away their sins, so they are always eager to jump into it.

According to an article published on National Geographic:

“Upstream of the confluence, where the Salori sewage canal meets the Ganges, biochemical oxygen demand—a measure of organic pollution—increased from an average of 3.5 milligrams per liter to nearly 5 mg/l between 2006 and 2011. The government limit is 3 mg/l.Coliform—an indicator of human and animal waste—reached a jaw-dropping average of 15,000 mpn per 100 milliliters at Salori in September 2010, falling to 8,875 mpn/100ml by the time it reached the confluence a few miles away. The government limit for coliform in rivers is 500 mpn/100ml. At no time in 2010 were coliform levels at the confluence, where millions bathe each year, lower than 5,500 mpn/100ml.”

Every attempt to clean Ganges has failed. Indian government has sanctioned millions for cleaning programs, but the pollution is only rising day by day.

World knows what Israel means when it comes to water management, desalination and recycling techniques. Israel’s water management techniques and model are adopted by many developed nations. Whenever there is a mention of water crisis due to drought or other conditions, Israel’s revolutionary sea water desalination is sighted as the first option.

Israel’s model for reuse of wastewater for irrigation is another example of incredible water management. Israel recycles about 80% of its domestic wastewater. Out of total water used for irrigation, 50% is treated water.

Israeli officials have already had a little chat with their counterparts in the Union Ministry for Water Resource, River Development and Ganga rejuvenation regarding water conservation and task of cleaning Ganga River.

In August, delegation of Israeli experts will visit India to assess the area of Ganga cleaning.

Presently, India faces huge losses due to water utilities as well as due to non-revenue water. Therefore, India will look towards Israel for streamlining of the water management and distribution system.

Spokesperson of the Israeli Embassy, Ohad Horsandi, showed confidence in Israel’s experts and their achievements, and said:

“Israel’s work in water desalination has been widely accepted and used. We are keen to help India meets its water needs for drinking as well as agriculture. The advantage we have is that we have a wide range of solutions for problems; there are specific problems in different States and our experts have solutions. We are pushing for more government-to-government agreements.”

Alarming rise in toxins in Ganga due to massive discharge of untreated wastewater and chemicals released from industries not only pose health hazard to millions of people, but is also killing India’s precious and endangered dolphins. A survey conducted by Worldwide Fund For Nature (WWF) and the union ministry of environment and forest under the National Mission for Clean Ganga showed that there are hardly a couple of thousand dolphins left. The number is decreasing due to fluctuation in water levels due to construction of huge dams and toxic industrial waste.

Israel is the best bet India will ever get, so it must make most of this opportunity.

Via: The Hindu

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