Sustainable Architecture: Ara Greens multigenerational residential community mimics Rhizomic Growth

Ara Greens is an advance multigenerational community proposed for green living in Petaling Jaya, Malasiya by WOW architects, known for their expertise in architectural, interior, and landscape planning.  Ara green offers 117,115 residential and 20,295 commercial units spread in an area of 130,040 square meters.

If you have already read about Rhizomic Growth, then it’ll be easier for you to understand the main concept behind this sustainable architectural development.  Inspiration is nature and the project uses bio-mimicry as its basic form. Although, the details of how exactly it’ll work in the mentioned architectural project, but as per the information available, the underground buds will generate new roots and shoot them upward so that the new units come out of surface and rise vertically.  This sustainable architecture can allow three generations to live near nature and in harmony with society. The developer has given special emphasis on social and wellness programs to ensure healthcare. The community provides social, occupational, and physical therapy and tries to sustain a healthy society for all three generations.

The project will have to get through Building and Construction Authority for Platinum Green Mark and then we might see some progress.

Architect WoW

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