A Nigerian student builds wind and solar powered car

A Nigerian student built a car that can run on solar and wind power 1
A Nigerian student built a car that runs on two renewable energy sources, solar and wind power. The student has also developed an software that can tell about the battery levels, location of the car, and that how many miles a car can go in a particular weather condition on any day.

A Nigerian student built a car that can run on solar and wind power 2

Oyeyiola Segun is a Part 5 student of the Electronic and Electrical Department of Obafemi Awolowo University.

According to Segun, it took him near about a year to complete the project despite his financial limitations, which made it really hard for him to arrange the material he required. The car basically depends on solar and wind energy. The basic motivation behind this car came from the long debated climate change crisis, and the rising costs of maintaining a ride that runs of fossil fuels. That means, this zero emission car could become accessible to the people who won’t otherwise dare to buy one or afford one.

According to this brilliant student, he still lacks sufficient funds to improve the specifications of the car. It’s already been very hard for him to materialize his dream to create a functional model of his dreams, and moreover, if you are in a less developed, poor country like Nigeria, it’s even difficult to dream about a hi-tech invention.

A Nigerian student built a car that can run on solar and wind power

Segun, in an interview with OAU Peeps, as a message to fellow Nigerian students, said:

“My message to my fellow students is that Rome was not built in a day. It is better to start anything you want to do now and don’t never, I repeat, never expect someone to believe in your dreams because they may not understand it as you do. Endeavor to follow your heart and do what will make you happy and that which will not affect your fellow being negatively. May God help and bless us all.”

Via: OAU Peeps

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