Into the Wilderness: Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Humans are far too fascinated with the concept of zoos, capturing animals and gawking at them has been a much-loved setting. However, animals are at their happiest in their natural environment, and wildlife photography exhibits that eternal beauty.

At a time when many wildlife species are endangered and facing the threat of extinction, it is imperative to conserve the habitat of wild animals for them to thrive. Many species are labeled as endangered in the IUCN Red List. Here is a photolog of animals in their natural environment bringing out the beauty of species in their habitual surroundings.

Looks like somebody stirred trouble with the wrong folks.

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Mohan Thomas

This photograph juxtaposes the animals in their natural environment and the proximity of ever-encroaching urban expansion.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Joseph Dominic Anthony

The waterside meetup of this cute little beaver family is absolutely adorable.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Oliver Richter

The lone polar bear wandering in Svalbard Islands, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, where global warming has disrupted the natural habitat.

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Mohan Thomas

Spotting these elusive animals in their natural environment is pretty hard, but this six-month-old snow leopard cub decided to rest among rocks instead of following its mother and copying her movements.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Frédéric Larrey

Taken in Kaziranga National Park in Assam, where the tigers are particularly shy and refuse to come on the road, the photographer got lucky in capturing this irritated tiger in the rain.

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Mohan Thomas

This snow-ball-hare caught amid a snowstorm is a gorgeous sight to behold.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Andy Parkinson

Perching on a tree, this majestic leopard stares right at the camera.

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Mohan Thomas

Ah! Well, we all have been there with our siblings when sticking our tongue out is the ultimate strategy to irritate them.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Barney Koszalka

A grizzly bear with a freshly hunted fish in its mouth.

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Mohan Thomas

Wow! These two are up to some monkey business.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Sergey Savvi

This picture shows the beauty of India’s Kaziranga National Park – where a rhino, a peacock and a proud little bird can be seen together in one frame.

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Kallol Mukherjee

Leopards are very agile and skilled climbers. They perch atop trees to get a good view of their surroundings and their prey.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Mohan Thomas

Seems like this one is not interested in sharing its meal with the sibling.

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Krisztina Scheeff

After a happy meal and nap, the king of the jungle is stretching its limbs.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Mohan Thomas

These big lizards are locked in an embrace or are they doing the tango?

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Sergey Savvi

A pair of common kestrel and magpie sitting on a tree, though they don’t appear to be friends.

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Salvador Colvée Nebot

A Marmot family is gathered up at the hilltop to discuss the changing climate in Austria.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Michael Schober

Black panther in India is a rare and precious sight to behold.

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Mohan Thomas

A colony of emperor penguins in Snow Hill island off the east coast of the Antarctic peninsula.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Yaz Loukhal

It is playtime for this polar bear family. Even though their natural habitat is losing, these creatures remain ever so playful and elusive.

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Steve Levi

A huge lion lying atop a large granite rock, as a cold wind picked up and blew across the vast open plains of the Serengeti in Tanzania.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Wim van den Heever

The endangered species is hard to be seen, but at locations such as Little Farmer’s Cay in the Bahamas, green turtles can be observed with ease

Beautiful Pictures of Wild Animals in Their Natural Environment

Image: Thomas Peschak

This penguin couple in Atka Bay, Antarctica exhibits their love for each other at sundown.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Stefan Christmann

A chick flamingo with its mother in Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve in the state of Yucatán, which is home to Mexico’s largest flock of Caribbean flamingos.

animals in their natural habitat

Image: Claudio Contreras Koob

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