Category Archives: Environment

Tom Ford Turns Ocean Plastic into New Swiss-Made N.004 Watch

Tom Ford Turns Ocean Plastic Into New N.004 Watch

American fashion designer Tom Ford continues to deliver a positive impact on the environment with the latest N.004 timepiece. This new watch is an extension of the brand’s Ocean Plastic Timepiece series that debuted in 2020. This Swiss-made watch comes in a 27mm x 48.5mm

‘Living Wall’ is Key To Creating Sustainable Smarter Cities

‘Living Wall’ – The Key to Creating Sustainably Smart Cities

Nicely set up between the three buildings at Texas A&M University’s Langford Architecture Center, this “living wall” is grabbing international attention since its installation in 2018. A previously-simple brick wall is now decked up with a stunning 10-feet-tall living wall that includes soil, an irrigation

Thailand Businesses Thrive on Cannabis

Thai Businesses Thrive on Cannabis, But to What End?

The Thailand government has eased restrictions on cannabis, encouraging business interest in the drug with cannabis-infused desserts, bubble tea, toothpaste, soaps, and snacks. These products are allowed to contain cannabidiol which does not get consumers high. However, health officials say that they only want to

Could Biodegradable Silk Replace Industrial Microplastics?

Can Biodegradable Silk Replace Industrial Microplastics?

With increasing environmental pollution and drastic climatic changes, microplastics have been under constant scrutiny. These tiny plastic particles are found everywhere – in the air, soil, and water – even, in human blood. Amid the rising environmental and health concerns, an MIT research team has