Category Archives: Environment

3D-Printed Terracotta Tiles to Restore Growth of Coral Reefs

3D-Printed Terracotta Tiles to Restore Growth of Coral Reefs

Terracotta ceramics have been part of human civilization for centuries; however, scientists have found a whole new purpose for the material. Marine scientists and architects have worked together on 3D-printed terracotta tiles to restore coral reefs. The project was undertaken by members of Swire Institute

Rapidly Changing Climatic Patterns Become Nemesis of the Planet

Rapidly Changing Climatic Patterns Become Nemesis of the Planet

Earth has been a wintry land and a hotbed at different times in the past centuries. However, with time, such climatic patterns have begun to fluctuate more than often. The increasing carbon emissions from human activities, which are raising the global temperature since pre-industrial times,

Ocean Plastic Is Expected to Triple Within Two Decades

Ocean Plastic Expected to Triple Within Two Decades

Plastic pollution is a prevalent and mounting problem. What is even more frightening is that  the ocean plastic is anticipated to triple within two decades. A recent study has revealed that if the plastic waste continues to pile up at the same pace, the amount

The Essential Collection by Sabai Design is Made of Recycled Fabrics and Plastic Bottles

Essential Collection by Sabai Design Made From Recycled Fabrics and Bottles

The furniture industry has changed drastically over time, while simultaneously shifting towards sustainability. The circular economy is a great alternative to traditional furniture production and consumption techniques. Upcycling the waste into used furniture items has become an important part of contemporary design. Founded by Caitlin