Category Archives: Gadgets

Trinity portable wind turbine 6

Trinity portable wind turbine meets Kickstater goal in just one day

Portable solar chargers for mobile devices are common, but they have a disadvantage: they are no good without sunlight. To change the game, Janulus, a Minnesota-based company, has come up with Trinity Portable Wind Turbine. Against company’s goal of raising $50,000 through Kickstater campaign, the project collected

Solar-powered IrresistiCat will keep your cat busy

Solar Chaser is a company that has brought a cat toy to Kickstarter. The toy is meant to keep pet cats busy. It’s called IrresistiCat – a simple device that feature a ball inside an enclosure.

Bamboo battery O±O by Jose Gonzalez 6

Sustainable Bamboo battery by Jose Gonzalez for project O±O

The Bamboo O±O project represents a combination of battery and green energy generation system through bicycle pedaling. The battery stores the energy generated while pedaling. The whole cover is made from bamboo and copper. The project also includes a stand with an electric-power assisted bicycle