Category Archives: Green Initiatives

Start-Up Creates Solar-Powered Microbrewery and Water Purification System

Start-Up Creates Solar-Powered Microbrewery and Water Purification System

Sweden-based local start-up Wayout has recently developed a revolutionary container-sized structure, which holds a solar-powered microbrewery and water purification system. Similar to a 3D printer for drinks, this advanced micro-factory is designed by Swedish studios Bernadotte & Kylberg and No Picnic. the system features modules,

Hybrid Floating Platform to Generate Wind, Solar and Wave Energy

Hybrid Floating Platform to Generate Wind, Solar and Wave Energy

Offshore wave energy conversion has been a pioneering field for quite some time now. German startup Sinn Power has recently developed a hybrid floating platform to generate energy. It combines wind turbines, solar panels, and wave energy harvesters to produce off-grid electricity for people living

Invention of Solar-Powered Hand Washbasin in Ghana to Battle Coronavirus

Ghana’s Solar-Powered Hand Washbasin Battles Coronavirus

As the COVID-19 cases soar across the world and given the lack of any effective vaccine or treatment, new inventions are being made to combat the highly contagious coronavirus. Recently, two inventors in Ghana have come up with a solar-powered hand washbasin to promote ultra-hygiene

Carbon Emissions Drop in India For First Time in Four Decades

Carbon Emissions Drop in India For First Time in Four Decades

In a surprising turn of events, India’s emissions have dropped for the first time in four decades. The current coronavirus lockdown has opened up ways to drop carbon emissions in India. Reduced electricity usage and competition from renewable energy resources had decreased the demand for