Category Archives: Green Initiatives

Bamboo battery O±O by Jose Gonzalez 6

Sustainable Bamboo battery by Jose Gonzalez for project O±O

The Bamboo O±O project represents a combination of battery and green energy generation system through bicycle pedaling. The battery stores the energy generated while pedaling. The whole cover is made from bamboo and copper. The project also includes a stand with an electric-power assisted bicycle


Seal Recycled Tires Speaker – Unique eco-friendly musical experience

Eco-conscious minds keep on emphasizing on recycling. They have shown the world amazing stuff that can be created through discarded material. The Seal Recycled Tires Speakers is one of the unique examples of recycling of lethal waste into something useful. Recycled tires are fitted with

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Indian father-son duo creates amazing working wooden car at home

We have already seen some wonderful wooden car replicas and bikes. It’s a heck of a task to build a working wooden replica. Wood isn’t something that exactly suits for this purpose. However, a passionate carpenter can do anything with his skills. We have a