Category Archives: Green Initiatives

Innovative solar-powered toilet m

Revolutionary waterless, solar-powered toilet arrives in India

Human fecal in open field is a common and critical issue in India. A huge part of the population is either having no access to proper toilets or they are ignorant about the health hazards and sanitation issue associated with the human waste pathogens, which

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Researchers at Berkeley Laboratory are developing a bionic leaf

Taking inspiration from the photosynthesis process of plants, Researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are on the verge of creating an advanced bionic leaf which will be able to draw energy from the sunlight and convert into an energy-dense fuel. The artificial leaf concept or

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Michael Suttner’s solar powered Lightie LED light

While the world moves towards stylish and energy efficient lighting solutions, there are some parts of the world which are improvised or underdeveloped.  The electricity supply is a farfetched dream for the people living in these parts.  In such circumstances, paraffin is the most favored

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The Big Ben face might go solar powered to help Parliament save energy

  UK parliament has committed to increase its energy efficiency by 34% by the year 2020/21.The Palace of Westminster is in focus these days as what methods and strategies could be implemented to make the whole structure more sustainable and energy efficient. One of the


Jordi Diez Fernandez welds steel scrap into incredible sculptures

Recycling and re-using is evolving as a manner for Eco-conscious people.  The scrap and garbage need to be fixed somewhere when they are discarded. The best part of recycling is displayed in highly creative works around the world.  Jordi Diez Fernadez, a Barcelona based artist,