Category Archives: Green Initiatives

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Plastic bottles recycled into polyester yarn

The sight of plastic polluting our landfills is definitely not one of the best sights you would want to witness. How about the idea of converting all that waste plastic into trendy clothing? Unifi Manufacturing Inc., a North Carolina-based company is doing just that. A

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AT&T installs solar powered charging stations in New York

Mobile phones have become a basic necessity of our day to day life. It is one of the electronic gadgets most used that needs to be juiced up entire day. At home we have our personal chargers, but on the go we have very limited

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Google initiates solar powered energy efficient ‘Loon’ Project

Everyone around the world is taking an initiative to keep the world green. Such an effort is done by Google under its project Loon. The project is about connecting the entire world with wireless internet service and was launched on 15 June from Christchurch, New

Facebook’s annual emissions amount to 285,000 metric tons of CO2 in 2011

Facebook, this week on Wednesday, revealed data containing details of its total carbon footprints for the year of 2011 including all its data centers and globally operating offices, which connect 900 million users from all over the world. Every user adds to carbon footprints while