Category Archives: Green Initiatives

Phaeton: Green electric vehicle designed for urban commuting
The automobile industry is well and truly at the forefront of the move towards a greener tomorrow and while it might be more out of necessity than out of convictions, it is still mighty welcome indeed. Irrespective of the motive the end result is an

Europe’s first hydro powered bus station set to take shape in Rochdale
While the revolution that is leading us towards a greener and cleaner tomorrow is already under way, the pace at which it is happening might not be enough considering the current energy shortage. While the last two decades have seen a surge in green power,

Solar-powered coke fridge first showcased at Euro 2012 keeps it cool & green
There is pretty much little doubt that we ought to switch to alternate sources of energy as quickly as possible so as to avoid a looming energy crisis. Whether you are one of those who staunchly believes in climate change or thinks that all of

$9 recyclable cardboard bicycle can withstand water and humidity
“It’s strong, it’s durable, it’s cheap and what I like about it the most that it’s made of cardboard!” These are the words of Israeli entrepreneur Izhar Gafni who has successfully made a prototype of a bicycle that has been entirely built from cardboard. The

DIY WalnutCity Pedicab is a sustainable fun ride for one to experience
24 year old Mitch Horning, who lives in McMinnville, Oregon in United States, has come up with something that is sustainable, purposeful and makes you smile at the same moment. Earlier in the year, he started WalnutCity Pedicab for which he got an inspiration from