Category Archives: News

World’s First BioPlastic Vinyl Record

Enjoy Music Guilt-Free With World’s First BioPlastic Vinyl Record

Thanks to the world’s first bioplastic vinyl record, people can listen to their favorite songs without stressing over toxic waste. Created by UK company Evolution Music, these bioplastic records use eco-friendly materials, like sugars and starches, for production, and hopefully, they would replace the toxic

Migratory Monarch Butterflies Close to Extinction, Enters IUCN Red List

Migratory Monarch Butterflies are Going to Disappear Into Oblivion

If you have seen the migratory monarch butterflies, you know that they boast beautiful bright orange and spotted wings. They look stunning flying over the bright flowers during the summer and autumn seasons.  Unfortunately, these colorful butterflies are now closer to extinction. The International Union

MIT Scientists Could Reverse Climate Change With Space Bubbles

MIT Scientists Could Reverse Climate Change With Space Bubbles

A research team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) believes to have found a solution to mitigate the worse climate change. Or, at least, it could ease some global warming issues. They have created film-like silicon bubbles that scientists refer to as “space bubbles.”

Common Soil Bacteria Can Produce Renewable Jet Fuel

Common Soil Bacteria Capable of Producing Renewable Jet Fuel

Fossil fuel burning is leading to climate change, and scientists across the globe are working hard to come up with renewable alternatives, like electric vehicles and solar energy, to reduce the environmental impact. However, certain industries, like aviation, do not have feasible renewable jet fuel