Category Archives: News

IPCC Report is Dire Warning for Humanity, But It's Too Late!

IPCC Report Issues Dire Warning for Humanity, But It’s Too Late!

In the current climatic scenario, no one can deny the omnipresent phenomenon of climate change. Rapid deforestation, pollution, carbon emissions and other anthropogenic activities have triggered a chain reaction in the climate. The most recent analyses of these changes were presented by the latest report

Wildfire in Algeria Killed 42 People Including 25 Soldiers

Wildfire in Algeria Kills 42 People Including 25 Soldiers

Wildfires in Algeria have left 42 people including 25 soldiers dead, the government said. The soldiers died saving residents from the forest fire, as thick plumes of smoke covered most of the mountainous areas toward the east of Algeria’s capital. President Abdelmadjid Tebboune tweeted that

Nigeria seizes record for illegal trafficking of pangolin

Nigeria Seizes Record for Illegal Trafficking of Pangolin

Nigeria seized a record for illegal wildlife trafficking of pangolin scales and elephant tusks. Comptroller General of Customs, Colonel Hamid Ali mentioned that the capture was worth $54 million and provided 17,137 kg of pangolin scales, 44 kg of elephant tusks and 60 kg in