Category Archives: News

Man Discovers 40 Baby Snakes in Air Conditioner of His Home

Man Discovers 40 Baby Snakes in Air Conditioner of His Home

Strange incidents happen every day, but this one is really bizarre. In a recent incident, a man in Pavli Khurd village discovered 40 baby snakes in his room’s air-conditioner. The news instantly created panic in this small Meerut village. When Shradhanand, who is a farmer,

Cracker filled pineapple kills pregnant elephant

Firecracker-Filled Pineapple Kills Pregnant Elephant in Kerala

Man’s cruelty knows no bounds. Sighting a recent instance, a firecracker-filled pineapple has killed a pregnant elephant in Kerala, which was allegedly placed by some heartless locals. The fruit exploded in the wild animal’s body and led to its death. The details of this horrific

Giant Tectonic Plate Under Indian Ocean Is Splitting in Two

Giant Tectonic Plate Under Indian Ocean is Splitting in Two

Researchers at the Institute of Earth Physics of Paris have recently discovered that the huge tectonic plate in the Indian Ocean between Australia and India is splitting up. According to the analysis the India-Australia-Capricorn tectonic plate is believed to be breaking up by 0.06 inch