18-Year-Old Bull Elephant Gets Electrocuted in Chanthaburi
The elephant died due to electric shock at a fruit farm, the owner of which will be punished for installing the prohibited electric fence
An eighteen-year-old male elephant from Chanthaburi’s Khao Soi Dao Wildlife Sanctuary died because of an electric shock at a farm near Pong Nam Ron district at Thailand. Later, the elephant was identified as “See Dor Daeng”. Reportedly, See Dor Daeng was one of the smartest of his herd as he managed to escape from the wildlife center. The mammal crossed through several electric wires and canals, only to get electrocuted by one.
According to the officials, the creature weighing more than seven tons died due to electric shock as its trunk got stuck to an electric wire. The owner of the farm has admitted that he installed a 220-volt electric wire around his property, which led to the death of See Dor Daeng.

Image: The Nation Thailand
The wild bull elephant had a history of being disruptive before he was electrocuted by the electric fence. The farmer is set to face execution as he violated the rule of installing an electric wire around his property under the Wildlife Act.
The case of elephant electrocution is not new, more than 50 percent of the total population of the animal is threatened by such episodes. Sometimes, animals come in direct contact with electric fences while passing through forests and get electrocuted. Agricultural expansion into wild habitats increases the risk of such incidents.
To maintain the peace and harmony between animals and humans we need some permanent solutions to the existing problems. Snubbing the complications connected to the wildlife would eventually destruct our lives too. We need more strict and intense efforts for the protection of animals.

Image: The Nation Thailand
Via: The Nation Thailand