With so many environmental crisis going on in recent times, 73 percent representatives of G20 nations felt the urgent need for prioritizing the environment over the economy. Only in India, there was 50 percent approval for considering the economy first.
According to a global survey, almost three-quarters of people across the globe tend to support environmental initiatives than making economic profit. More than 80 percent of the respondents from G20 nations wanted to start some more initiatives on a greater scale to revive nature. Most nations emphasized the health and wellbeing of humans and nature.
Some members believed that UN and other international organizations should be given more power to protect the environment.
Two-thirds of people supported global cooperation to handle shared challenges, but it varied from country to country with China (81%) most keen and France (50%) least interested to collaborate.
Image: Anadolu Agency
According to a survey by Ipsos Mori for the Global Commons Alliance (GCA) around 58 percent of people were really concerned about the current state of the planet.
The lead author of the report, Owen Gaffney of the GCA, showed a pivotal emergence towards the ongoing climate crises. He said that the world is aware of environmental crisis and they are keen to do more and expect their leaders to do the same.
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The report categorized people on the basis of their awareness regarding climate change and identified a group of “emerging planetary stewards” who were aware of the risks and planned to change the situation.
As mentioned by the report, this group mainly consists of young females and well-educated people. On the other hand, people who intend to have the least interest included men, senior citizens, rural dwellers, nationalists and those in wealthy nations.
Bridget Williams, research director at Ipsos Mori, said;
This survey clearly shows that people across the G20 want to play their part in protecting and restoring the global commons in the future – there is a desire for both local and global leadership.
Most people have theoretical knowledge about climate change but the awareness regarding its devastating implications on the planet is still questionable. Only 8 percent of people knew about a scientific consensus on the need for major economic and social transformation. One of the major hurdles happens to be less media coverage on these issues.
However, it does say something that most of the G20 nations want to prioritize the environment over the economy and save the planet from impending doom.
Via: The Guardian