One man’s garbage is another’s treasure is a befitting saying when it comes to unique artistic creations. Northern California-based artist Burls Art is known for creating guitars using unconventional materials such as paper, pencils and even Himalayan salt. He showcases the quaint work on his YouTube channel, where he presents each project’s building process, ending the video with a demo song. Recently, the artist partnered with 4Ocean to create a functional electric guitar from reclaimed ocean plastic.
Image: Burls Art
Burls joined 4Ocean on a diving trip in South Florida to collect plastic trash, before talking it to his warehouse. He melted the shredded plastic and forged a large workable block. Following a painstaking procedure, the artist used shredded bottle to make the body of the guitar, which was later epoxied onto a wooden base. Through trial and error, he succeeded in his attempt to make a stunning electric guitar from retrieved ocean plastic.
Also Read: 30 Ocean Conservation Organizations Fighting to Save Marine Life
Burls said;
This was easily the most challenging build I’ve done so far. But it was a fun project where I got to use different methods I haven’t tried yet. And overall, I think it came out looking pretty good…I want to say thanks to 4ocean for teaming up with me on this project. They’re doing good work out there cleaning up our oceans, so it was a really cool opportunity to work with an awesome company on this build.
You can also check more works from Burls Art, and here’s the video of his making process:
Art is not only a medium for visual pleasure, but it imparts important messages to society regarding a myriad of topics such as environmental conservation and plastic pollution. Such creative artistic ventures have increased in recent times as the awareness about ocean plastic has raised significantly. This shows that each individual can do their part, regardless of how small, toward mitigating the threats to the planet.
Image: Burls Art
Image: Burls Art