Image: Miguel Ángel Escobar
Every day we hear different incidents of animal cruelty or not helping them when they’re in need. But a recent incident in Central America has restored our faith in humanity. A few days ago, a man named Miguel Ángel Escobar traveled by boat with his family off the coast of Honduras. During this ride, the man spots a big sea turtle trapped in tree roots off the coast and saves the injured creature by nursing and releasing it into the sea.
Reportedly, the sight of the lifeless animal left Escobar and his family with broken hearts. At first, they thought the poor animal was dead. But as they got closer, they realized the turtle was not dead. It moved upon touch and let out a sigh. Maybe it was just tired or gave up hope after struggling to get out of the tree roots.
Image: Miguel Ángel Escobar
Escobar immediately took out a knife from his bag and started cutting the roots around the trapped turtle. As soon as the roots were cut around the turtle, it immediately ran into the water. The motionless turtle instantly turned into a ball of energy in less than a minute.
Escobar assumes that the turtle came to the shore to lay its eggs but got entangled in the tree roots while moving across the embankment. Escobar felt delighted to have helped the poor turtle.
After finding out the news of animal abuse and poaching every other day, this news has brought a smile to our faces. It is great to know that there are such kind-hearted people, who are willing to help the animals around them. We urge you to help the voiceless animals around you whenever you can.
Image: Miguel Ángel Escobar
Via: The Dodo