Migratory Birds Swarm Wildlife Sanctuaries of Tamil Nadu
With the arrival of winters, migratory birds have started their journeys. This year’s migration season has already commenced with 11 species of migratory birds that have swarmed Vaduvur, Udayamarthandapuram, and Point Calimere wildlife sanctuaries of Tamil Nadu.
After two years of Cyclone Gaja ravaging the Kavery delta districts, swarms of birds have visited the Vaduvur, Udayamarthandapuram, and Point Calimere sanctuaries in Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam districts.
This time the season started well in advance, and we have a lot of birds in Vaduvur, Udayamarthandapuram and Point Calimere. The climate is ideal for the birds to congregate for nesting and breeding.
Said K. Arivoli, District Forest Officer, Tiruvarur.
According to him, the district observed a severe decline in the arrival of birds in the past two years; but currently, the situation has come back to rather normal with the arrival of migratory and local birds, both from the country and abroad.
11 species of migratory birds – including Eurasian coot, Eurasian spoonbill, Greater flamingo, Eurasian wigeon, White Ibis, Glossy Ibis, Pheasant-tailed jacana, Asian openbill stork, Bar-headed goose and Lesser flamingo – were witnessed in these sanctuaries. Moreover, there are 33 local species.

11 species of migratory birds have arrived in Tamil Nadu | Image: Shakti Bishnoi and AS Bishnoi
Arivoli explained that the Forest Department is patrolling the areas on a regular basis to prevent poaching; they are also certifying that the birds get ample food as it is important for nurturing their chicks.
The Deputy Director, Bombay Natural History Society, S. Balachandran said that unlike Vaduvur and Udayamarthandapuram, 90 percent of the birds arriving at Point Calimere were foreign bird species. Mr. Balachandran said that local conditions triggered by climatic changes caused the decline in the number.
He said,
Vaduvur is the place where local birds, including Intermediate egret, White Ibis and Darters, nest in good numbers. Ducks such as Garganey and Northern shoveller, which migrate from the Arctic and subarctic regions, have started arriving at Vaduvur.
The birdwatchers believe that there would be two waves of migration; the first wave usually starts in early October. However, only 25 percent of the birds of the first wave will stay back, while the rest will migrate to other places. The migratory birds of the second wave make Point Calimere their final destination – but their stay will be determined by the water level in the sanctuary.
Nearly 40 kinds of shovellers, two types of flamingos, gulls, terns, and ducks have taken refuge at Point Calimere. The birdwatchers are thrilled with the arrival of migratory birds in Tamil Nadu, this season.
Via: The Hindu