Barbaric Murder of a Gangetic Dolphin in Utter Pradesh Makes Humanity Quiver

Image: The National

Sure, sharks are scary; but it can be confidently said that nobody has ever been scared of a dolphin. And why would anyone be afraid of these adorable, kind, and gentle creatures? However, a dolphin was mercilessly beaten to death by a cruel group of men in India’s Uttar Pradesh. This barbaric murder of the Gangetic Dolphin in Utter Pradesh was recorded in a disturbing video that went viral on social media and made humankind quiver with mixed emotions of anger and sadness.

The poor creature was beaten with sticks and rods, in the shallow waters of the Sharda canal near a village. The video clearly shows men raining down merciless blows on the animal as blood gushes from its body, while a man can be heard saying that the culprits are assaulting the dolphin for no reason but the malicious men didn’t listen.

WARNING: The video below contains sensitive content. The plight of the poor dolphin! 

Apparently, the group first captured the dolphin with a fishing net, following which one of them struck a blow on it with an axe. Others joined in with axes, thick sticks and held down the dolphin by its fin. Three men have been arrested after the video went viral. In a tweet, the police in Pratapgarh, where the incident took place, said that the incident occurred on December 31, and three of the attackers have been arrested.

A forest department official, who responded to a call about the incident, reportedly found the dolphin lying lifeless by the side of the canal. In the first information report, the officer said that there was a crowd of villagers surrounding the animal, but when asked no one was willing to reveal how it had died. A closer inspection of the body exhibited multiple injuries, including axe wounds.

An endangered species, the Gangetic River Dolphin is recognised as the National Aquatic Animal. Killing the Gangetic River Dolphin is a punishable offence under Section 9/51 of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. While the motive behind the gruesome murder of the Gangetic Dolphin in Utter Pradesh is not yet known, it is pretty clear that the men did this cruel deed just to enjoy it.

Despite dozens of laws and acts, wildlife in India has been a victim of the hateful cruelty of men. Countless incidents have revealed the barbaric and inhumane characteristics of humans through the acts the cruelty on animals. A few months ago, a pregnant elephant had died after it consumed a firecracker-filled pineapple. The episode stirred emotions of rage throughout the country.

However, the brutality of mankind on animals persists. The heart of humans is losing its warmth, compassion, and love.


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Priya Chauhan: Listening to her grandmother weaving nighttime tales to penning down her own thoughts, Priya developed a penchant for stories and their origin early in her childhood. Soon she began getting lost in the world of paintings and books. After her master's in literature, she started writing copiously on diverse topics including wildlife, sustainability, environment, and climate change while learning the ropes of copyediting. Reading novels, painting, and baking are her favorites on her long list of hobbies. She also loves to travel, meet new people, learn about different cultures, and listen to stories.