Solaris Concept Car for 2013 World Solar Challenge

Mazda and Aurora Solar Car are two names that remind us of mobility, environmental sustainability and innovation. Giving wings to the idea, the duo has announced the Aurora Solaris Concept Car design by industrial designer Ali Jafari from Monash University. The sun powered electric concept

Coolest Wood Camera iPhone 4 Case

This Wooden camera Iphone 4 case looks simply awesome piece of art that will make clicking photos from your iPhone a cooler business. Natural strength of walnut and bamboo is blended with the hi-fi iPhone. Laser engraved design create illusion of a real camera for

Solar Dok solar powered outdoor charging solution

“Solar Dok” solar powered outdoor charging solution

Outdoor gadget charging stations are a sort of relaxation for gadget nuts. Solar Dok is perfect solution for the gadgets running out of juice when you are on a picnic at some place far from grid energy. The umbrella on the upper part has photovoltaic

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FPM GAP Academy: A self-sufficient complex from I|K Studio

I|K Studio has planned a masterplan for a self-sufficient complex named FPM GAP Academy. 50 hectare of area includes designs for harvesting sun and wind power along with retaining water, and biofuel orchards. Ascending plateau divides the campus into academics, farms, from low-cost student, faculty