Spain to Ban Plastic Wrapping for Fruits and Vegetables
Spain plans to ban plastic wrapped fruits and vegetables in supermarkets and grocery stores from 2023.
Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition is drafting a decree that would ban selling produce that weighs less than 1.5 kg in plastic packaging by 2023. The Spanish decree follows the French law in banning plastic wrap.
In order to dampen the usage of plastic water bottles, the draft encouraged the installation of public drinking fountains and other elevating alternatives. Holistically, the decree sets a goal of reducing the number of plastic bottles sold in the country for drinks by 50 percent by 2030 and for making sure 100 percent of packaging is recyclable.
A ministry’s spokesperson talked about the need to find an effective way to fight the overuse of packaging since plastic pollution is an uprising on a rapid pace.
Apparently, as per the Ministry of Ecological Transition, plastic packaging in Spain generates 1.6 million tons of plastic waste every year and not even half of its waste is being recycled.

Image: Metro News
Greenpeace and other environmental groups have been campaigning for years for Spain to put an end to the use of plastic packaging. Now their members are highly interested to see how the implementation goes.
Also Read: Plastic Pollution Stifles the Planet with Toxins, Harms all Life Form
Plastic has been majorly used in food packaging for a very long time and the chemicals used to produce plastic can cause many health-related problems. Chemicals including cadmium and mercury can cause cancer and other congenial disabilities.
Usage of plastic in food packaging allows harmful toxins to settle down on food’s surface. Therefore, there is an urgent need to avoid plastic usage in our daily lives. Despite rooting for more temporary solutions, we need some permanent solutions and this initiative to ban plastic-wrapped fruits and vegetables is one of them.
Via: EcoWatch