Watch how rare Bengal Tiger was crushed to death under JCB in India

In man vs. animal conflict, animals are the biggest losers. Animals not only lose their natural habitat, they even end up losing their lives.

Recent such horrific incident was reported from the forests of Ramnagar in Nainital, Uttrakhand, where a tiger that supposedly strayed out of Corbett Tiger Reserve was crushed under a JCB’s bucket.

Video above clearly reveals how a disoriented tiger couldn’t escape the slow moving excavator, and was eventually crushed under it.

All this happened in presence of Forest Department Staff who had already tranquilized the tiger (probably the reason it looks so confused and lethargic in the video).

The unconscious animal was carried to Nanital Zoo where it was announced dead. Post mortem reports reveal asphyxiation and septicaemia as the main reasons for death.

This means, the tiger didn’t die because it was rumpled under the JCB’s arm, instead it died because of blood poisoning (septicaemia) and probably due to injuries caused by scuffle with other animals in the wild.

According to information carried by Hindustan Times, in the chase and escape battle with the JCB, the tiger allegedly broke its canine tooth, which may have caused the tiger to bleed profusely and choke on blood.

If the tiger choked on blood after hurting itself with the large machine (let alone being crushed under it), then we are sorry! Where else on Earth would you find another example of an excavator used in an operation to corral a wild animal (as rare as the Bengal Tiger at that).

Detailing the information preceding the death of the tiger, Times of India reports, the tiger to have killed two people a day before in the nearby town of Bailpadav.

The daily notes that the tiger was allegedly tranquilized by Forest staff before being crushed under the excavator’s arm.

Question again is, if the animal was already sedated, what was the reason to chase it with a machine like the JCB? What kind of preparation does the forest guards around the coveted Corbett Tiger Reserve have to tackle animals straying out of the park?

Sensing foul play, the state has formed a team of four people comprising a two wildlife experts, a forest officer and a veterinarian to investigate in detail the tiger’s death and reason for using a JCB to capture the tiger.

According to World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Corbett Tiger Reserve in Nainital has the highest density of rare Bengal tigers in India. However, safety of these tigers has become a big question.

The authorities have issued guards with orders to shoot suspected poachers at sight, but how far this will work in the wake to curb poaching is yet to be seen. If the example of Kaziranga National Park, where similar orders are being followed to curb poaching of one horned Rhinos, is anything to consider; frankly, poaching still continues, even though 23 people have been shot dead as opposed to 17 poached Rhinos in past few years.

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Bharat Bhushan: Based out of his homeland in the Himalayan countryside of India, Bharat with a degree in journalism has been covering consumer technology for over a decade with a focus on gadgets, phones, emerging technologies, and connected lifestyle. Being a hustler entrepreneur, an enthusiastic footballer, and a foodie, he also shares a vision for generating a positive social impact.
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