
Water shortage alarm in Indian states as level dips in reservoirs

Water shortage India

With monsoon deficit of 12 percent in 2015, many Indian states are heading towards a drought situation. Insufficient monsoon rains has left reservoirs depleted.

According to the Central Water Commission, 91 major reservoirs in India have dipped 16 percent below normal. The condition is likely to get worse as the monsoon is about to withdraw early than it should last.

India is dependent on its water reservoirs for irrigation and drinking supply. The level of water in reservoirs is also responsible for 75 percent of rainfall rest of the year.

Southern regions are more hit as compared to other parts of the nation. North has received enough rain and central Indian reservoirs are also doing well.

What worries the government is water shortage in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Maharashtra as monsoon failed to fill up Nagarjuna Sagar Dam on river Kaveri.

Bhima Dam or Ujjani Dam and Jayakwadi Dam on river Godavari in Maharashtra also faced the same situation this year.

Monsoon deficit has also hit reservoir levels in Jharkhand, Odisha, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The deficit would hit agrarian community due to shortage water for irrigation. India is already struggling with hunger, poverty, and rising cost of living. Symptoms of a probable drought are going to make situation even worse.

States like Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Tripura, Gujarat, Uttarakhand and Madhaya Pradesh registered rain deficit too, but somehow managed to juice up their water reservoirs.

The Water Commission of India is waiting for formal announcement of monsoon withdrawal by Meteorological Department of India before it could provide accurate statistics regarding the water shortage and its consequences.

Situation is worse than it was last year when Indian monsoon had begun with a dry spell of over six weeks. Fortunately, monsoon made up for the deficit towards the end of the season with heavy rains that had filled the reservoirs to optimal levels.

Opposite to last year’s situation, the monsoon looked promising in beginning this year, however, started to taper off in August. It has left water reservoirs short of optimal volume.

It’ll be a miracle if last few days of monsoon could revive levels of water in reservoirs. The government should be worried about it, a lot. Moreover, India is very less to recycle or treat wastewater. On the top of it, Indian society lacks awareness regarding the wastage of water.

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