World Environment Day 2022: Ways to Safeguard Environment Amid Climate Change

Every year, World Environment Day is commemorated on June 5. The main purpose of this day is to increase awareness about the environment. Meanwhile, people are motivated to take action to conserve our planet while doing their bit to avoid environmental pollution, global warming, overpopulation, wildlife crime, and sustainable consumerism.

To nurture the ethos of sustainable living, we must not just practice it but also consider it our duty to coexist in the ecosystem and not destroy it.

World Environment Day 2022

Image: Rail Post

This year, Sweden will host World Environment Day 2022. This year’s theme is “Only One Earth” with the campaign slogan focusing on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature.” The Sweden government will host various activities and programmes in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme (UNRP).

History of World Environment Day 2022

During the first-ever UN conference, the authorities decided to celebrate World Environment Day to focus on humans and the way they interact with the environment. Sweden first recommended to the UN for organizing such a conference in 1968. then in 1969, the UN formally agreed to a conference in Sweden for discussing environmental problems.


Image: Assignment Point

Finally, in 1972, world leaders from different parts of the world assembled to discuss campaigns and events to raise awareness for protecting the environment. For this, they decided to celebrate one day every year as a reminder to protect our planet.

Significance of World Environment Day

The World Environment Day 2022 celebration is undertaken to reconnect us all with the nature or environment in general. Nowadays, people are so busy in their lives that they are forgetting how vital the natural systems are for improving our well-being. However, we are a big part of nature and largely depend on it for everything.

World Environment Day helps us understand the importance of managing ecosystems and the resources of the planet sustainably. It also offers us an opportunity to realize how indispensable and fragile is our physical environment. Due to our constant use of natural resources, we have made our environment suffer from pollution, toxins, and contaminants. All these are impacting the health of our environment in a harmful way. As a result, we are also facing many health issues like various types of cancers and respiratory diseases.

However, World Environment Day is a good way to inspire us and take appropriate measures to fix environmental problems. After all, we also cannot survive without the environment. Hence, we all must start leading a sustainable life to reduce our carbon footprint. By taking small steps to converse nature, we can do our bit to protect Mother Nature even during increasing climate change.

5 Ways to Safeguard Environment


Image: Time and Date

Here are the seven ways we can start living a sustainable life while safeguarding our environment amid the climate change:

1. To reduce the use of single-use plastic bottles, we need to switch to metal or steel bottles that we can easily refill as many times as we want.

2. Start shopping for more sustainable and environmentally friendly products, including clothes, shoes, homeware, trash bags, etc. Instead of using plastic bags, preferably use reusable cloth bags for shopping.

3. Instead of disposable wipes, make use of reusable cotton buds. Even bamboo paper towels are a great eco-friendly choice to clean surfaces and dishes.

4. Love your morning or evening tea? If so, start using loose tea leaves instead of tea bags to preserve the environment while decreasing plastic trash.

5. Start making small modifications to your routines for sustainable living. For instance, start using a bamboo toothbrush, plant more trees, switch off lights and electrical appliances when not in use, avoid disposable cutlery, etc.

With these small steps, you can make sustainable living a part of your life. Meanwhile, you do your bit to preserve our beautiful earth. After all, we just have “ONLY ONE EARTH!”

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