SOURCE World’s First Renewable Drinking Bottled Water Project
Masafi to launch SOURCE, the world’s first renewable drinking water project in the UAE
In this day and age where renewability is one of the most talked-about topics across the globe, contrarily the implementation and usage of renewable resources are lesser to be seen. Have you ever heard about renewable water? Well, Masafi Water unveils its plans to launch SOURCE Water, the world’s first renewable and sustainable bottled water, in the UAE and soon across the Gulf Coast.
SOURCE Global, PBC has created the world’s only premium bottled drinking water, which is sustainable inside and out. SOURCE is locally made with endlessly renewable resources and it has a lesser carbon footprint.
The pure water vapor in the air is harvested with the help of the sun. For every liter sold, the company and its partners claim to donate a liter of the same water to local water-stressed communities.
Neil Grimmer, Brand President of SOURCE Global, PBC says;
This premium product is designed for modern consumers, who care about health, well-being, sustainability and community. Source Water embodies each of these values.
Masafi is working along with SOURCE to develop the world’s largest water farm in the Hajjar Mountains at Masafi in Ras Al Khaimah.
Hydro panel technology is used to prepare SOURCE water. It basically uses the energy and heat of the sun to produce the finest drinking water by drawing pure and constantly refilled water vapor out of the sky, even in the driest places in the world.

The hydro panels used completely function off the grid that too without any traditional infrastructure. Each panel, including multi-panel water farms, delivers sustainably sourced drinking water on a considerable scale.
This project is undoubtedly catching everyone’s eye since it is the world’s first innovation to produce commercial volumes of continuous water supply from a sustainable and pure source.


Via: Gulf News